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News Brief

Nov. 13, 2019 |  By: Will Linder

MU-Extension to host Annual Beef Producer Seminar Nov. 14th

University of Missouri-Extension will be hosting the 2019 Annual Beef Producer Seminar.

Field Specialist for Livestock at the University of Missouri-Extension Jim Humphrey says that the event will feature a special guest for the evening, Executive Director of the Missouri Beef Council Mark Russell. Russell will be there to teach farmers about beef and non-beef counterparts.

"He's also going to have some samples that are going to be prepared for us to look at and sample if people want to as part of his demonstration and presentation.  And hopefully people will be there and ask questions.  Mark is just wanting to make sure we've good information out there regarding this and hopefully answer questions that people may have regarding these other meat alternative products - I guess is what I would call them."

After the talk, there will be a beef supper provided for all of the attendees followed by a additional speaker from the MU Extension Program.

"She's going to be discussing beef fetal development.  Basically what happens with the nutrition of the mama cows and what happens to that fetus and how it impacts that calf later on in life.  How does a fetus grow, calf health once they are born, calf survival especially in extreme weather like we're having today."

Other local organizations will be attending the event for extra teaching of beef based products. The seminar will be held at St. Peter Catholic Church in Stanberry on November 14th. Cost is $25 per person which includes the beef supper.